
Current Projects

  • Global Ocean and Land Alkalinization (GOAL-A),” Department of Energy (DOE) Earth Shot collaborative project with scientists from Yale, Georgia Tech, and Texas A&M.

  • High Meadows Environmental Institute - Indian Ocean Climate, Chemistry and Life (co-led with B. Ward).

  • Princeton University's Dean for Research Innovation Fund for the Sustainability of Our Planet.  Exploration of open ocean seaweed cultivation (co-PI, lead PI: Daniel Sigman).

  • NSF CAREER award. Future Oxygen minimum zones in Indo-Pacific Ocean: ventilation, biogeochemical feedbacks and risk of coastal dead zones. (lead-PI, award #2042672).

  • NOAA - Climate Program Office. Building capacity for predictability of climate impacts on living marine resources in US coastal systems using the NOAA MOM6 ocean model. (co-PI, award #2046807, lead PI: E. Curchister, Rutgers University.

  • NSF US Geotraces GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT. Export and remineralization rates of bioactive and particle reactive trace elements using thorium-234. (co-PI, award # 2046807, lead PI: Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). 

  • NSF- Chemical Oceanography. Eddy Effects on the Biological Carbon Pump. (lead PI, award #2023108).

  • Princeton University - Carbon Mitigation Initiative.  Constraints on Global Oxygen Cycle.

  • High Meadows Environmental Institute - Grand Challenge. Risk of permanent dead zones in Indian Ocean. (lead PI).

Past Projects

  • NASA OCO-2 science team. Multiple constraints on the ocean response to ENSO from OCO-2 and atmospheric O2 data. (lead PI, award # NASA 80NSSC18K0893).

  • Princeton Catalysis Initiative. Chemical Exchanges Between Ocean and Atmosphere Controlled by Interface Microscale Processes. 

  • NOAA - Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System – Eddies biological pump and oxygen in the Pacific Ocean (lead PI).

  • NASA ROSES 2018 - EXPORTS program. Elucidating Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Export and Attenuation of Ocean Primary Production using Thorium-234. (co PI, NASA 80NSSC17K0555, lead PI: K. Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).

  • NASA ROSES 2015. Mechanisms Controlling Mesoscale and Submesoscale Hotspots in Net Community Production/Export, with Simulation-based Studies on How to Sample Them. (co-PI, NASA NNX16AR50G lead PI: D. McGillicuddy, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). 

Data and Modeling Projects