Return on Information - New Jersey (RIO-NJ) has named Professor Laure Resplandy, along with others, a 2024 RIO-NJ Influencer for Environment. RIO-NJ is a new media company with a goal to connect New Jersey businesses with information that will better their investment decisions. The RIO-NJ Influencers series…
While storing carbon dioxide, the coastal ocean also releases methane and nitrous oxide. New research shows that understanding the impact of coastal oceans on climate requires more research into these fluxes and how they counteract each other.
The loss of oxygen from the ocean due to warming is not ubiquitous. In the Atlantic Ocean there has been no oxygen loss or gain in the subtropics over the past six decades (top 1 km, see Figure). Hogikyan and co-authors show that the amplification of the hydrological cycle, a response to climate change that results in a ‘salty-get-saltier,…
The global ocean is losing oxygen with warming. Observations and Earth system model projections, however, suggest that this global ocean deoxygenation does not equate to a simple and systematic expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones (OMZs).
Congrats to Allison Hogikyan Ph.D recipient May 30, 2023!
Congratulations to Dr. Allison K. Hogikyan on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis "Oxygen, Carbon, Heat: Explorations in Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction" on Thursday May 4, 2023
An expansion of the world's largest minimum zone would further stress commercially important species and ecosystems.
The work of climate modelers informs public policy and influences strategies for mitigating risks and adapting to change.
An exploratory project to investigate the benefits of farming seaweed in the open ocean has been selected for funding from Princeton’s Dean for Research Innovation Fund for the Sustainability of Our Planet.
A study co-led by climate scientist Laure Resplandy, an assistant professor of geosciences and the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) at Princeton University, details how carbon is stored and transported through the intricacy of inland and coastal waterways.
Whose stories do you tell when you teach science and engineering? Newton? Galileo? Maybe Marie Curie? That question was posed to eight members of Princeton’s science and engineering faculty as part of their work in a Community of Practice group focused on adding diverse voices to course materials. Professor Resplandy mention.
Relive the day when senior meteorologist Syukuro "Suki" Manabe won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics — and learn more about the climate modeling research that he pioneered along the way to this prestigious honor: Professor Laure Resplandy interviewed.
Laure Resplandy, assistant professor of geosciences and the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI), received a five-year, $654,000 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.
New study led by postdoc Enhui Liao analyses the dynamics controlling the enhanced ocean CO2 sink during El Niño events.
While the ocean as a whole is losing oxygen due to warming, oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are maintained by a delicate balance of biological and physical processes; it is unclear how each one of them is going to evolve in the future.
Professors Laure Resplandy and Daniel Sigman explain how the ocean absorbs heat and carbon dioxide, providing a buffer against climate change. Researchers are modeling the long-term impacts to marine ecosystems and climate. (Video by Video Production Support and the Office of Communications)
Congratulations to two of Laure’s graduate students. Allison Hogikyan and Abigale Wyatt, each received prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards.
Laure Resplandy, an assistant professor of geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, was awarded a fellowship in the field of ocean sciences. She works in climate science and modeling, geochemistry, paleoclimate studies, and oceanography. She joined the faculty in 2017.
Looking for Postdoctoral Researcher in the area of ocean physical and biogeochemical coupling to work with Professor Resplandy in the Princeton University Geosciences department.
In 2001, off India’s coastal state of Goa, the shrimp catch dropped by 80 percent in just a few years. The die-off was later traced to a dip in the ocean’s oxygen level. “It was a massive event that almost collapsed the fisheries on the western Indian coast".